You’re Fired! How Automation and AI May Take Over Your Job

by | Jan 28, 2022 | Artificial Intelligence | 1 comment

As automation and artificial intelligence (AI) become more sophisticated, it’s normal and reasonable to wonder if AI will take over your job. In fact, the Google search for the term “will AI take over jobs” sparked after the COVID-19 pandemic when many companies began investing in automation and AI. According to a study published by Grand View Research, the global AI market size will grow at a CAGR of 40.2% from 2021 to 2028. That’s one of the highest growth rates. As a result, AI and automation will replace humans in some professions, but it’s not all doom and gloom – there will be new opportunities for humans to explore.

In this blog, we discuss how AI will affect the job market, including tips on preventing AI from taking over your job?

Automation Will Soon Replace Many Human Jobs

It’s no secret that technology is rapidly evolving and advancing. With the rise of automation, will human jobs be replaced? Many experts believe that automation will soon take over many human jobs, as it is faster and more efficient.

According to a 2020 report by the World Economic Forum (WEF), AI and Automation will displace 85 million jobs by 2025. More than 80 percent of company executives are increasing plans to digitize work processes and implement cutting-edge technologies, while half of employers plan to speed the automation of specific jobs in their firms. As a result, job creation has slowed down, whereas job destruction is accelerating.

It’s Not All Doom and Gloom – There Will Be New Opportunities for Humans 

However, it isn’t all doom and gloom. In its report, the WEF was categorical that by 2025, employers will divide work between humans and automated systems equally. Roles that require human skills will be in great demand. Information and data processing, administrative tasks, and routine manual tasks will be the primary uses of AI and automation in white and blue-collar employment.

Types of Jobs that AI will Replace

Many experts opine that many jobs will be totally automated in a few years. The Forbes Technology Council, a group of senior-level technology executives that make up the list, included 13 jobs, namely:

  • Insurance underwriting
  • Warehouse and manufacturing work
  • Customer service
  • Research and data entry
  • Long-haul trucking

They also included a somewhat unsettlingly large category called “Any Tasks That Can Be Learned.”

Other professions, such as bookkeepers, drivers, cashiers, translators, cleaners, bartenders, waiters, factory workers, radiologists, and so on, will be faced with a disruption similar to what farmers faced during the industrial revolution.

Types of Jobs That Will Not Be Replaced by AI

However, professions that rely heavily on human creativity and ingenuity will maintain their positions. These include artists, musicians, performers, writers, and inventors.

In addition, AI will also create new jobs and opportunities, specifically 97 million new jobs, according to the WEF. There are numerous examples of how this will happen. For example, doctors will need the assistance of AI in their diagnosis and will require insight from data scientists. Also, a radiologist who can interpret X-ray images assisted by machine learning will be able to many more cases in a day than a human could and increase output per professional.

Therefore, if you’re looking forward with a hint of excitement about the future of automation, there will still be plenty of opportunities for you when machines take over menial tasks.

How to Prevent AI from Taking over Your Job 

So, what practical steps can you take to safeguard yourself from being declared redundant? The Forbes Coaches Council recommends 13 ways to safeguard your job:

1. Innovate to Stay Relevant

Artificial intelligence can eliminate many jobs that are now routine, easily automated activities. As a result, today’s employees must look for alternative methods to contribute to their job area. Become a voice in the discussion and discover ways to participate in more critical processes to become an expert on the subject.

2. Reflect, Learn, Adapt Fast

Artificial intelligence will not be a threat if you learn new ideas and processes quickly. By being willing to go beyond the norm, you will ensure your commitment to being on top of your game.

The fourth industrial revolution and AI era are upon us. First, take some time to think about what you excel at and what parts of your job might be automated with machine learning in your industry. Then, learn new skills in human development and analytics by earning professional certifications so that you can adapt quickly to take part in the future of your industry or company.

3. Be Strategic

The pace of technology is quickening, so workers need to strategize more than ever to become irreplaceable employees with differentiated talents that will set them apart from their competition.

Ask, “Why are we doing what we’re doing?” Then, “What can I do about it?” Finally, look for ways in which AI may assist you. With new technologies, data, integrations, and automation, business issues are becoming increasingly complicated. Be on the lookout for new possibilities to address these difficult business problems via AI.

4. Learn As Much As Possible About AI

AI will cause disruptions in your line of work; therefore, you must stay informed, up-to-date, and even develop specialized skills about the subject.

To better understand how AI will impact your work, you must attend conferences and seminars in person or online. Get in touch with like-minded people and professionals and learn how they will bring change in the workplace.

5. Be Creative And Train AI

According to Forbes, creativity will be one of the most crucial components for future business success. Therefore, individuals must become more creative than ever before by constantly innovating new uses for existing technology and coming up with ideas regarding adding value to an organization.

Creativity will also be required when developing new ways to train AI technologies on tasks at hand, even if they involve doing things differently from current trends.

6. Build Effective Relationships

Many jobs will not be readily recognized as being susceptible to automation. Still, AI will play a more significant role in all future work activities due to advancements in the industry.

It would be best if you built relationships with people on projects or teams that will advance your career opportunities or open doors to new possibilities for you.

7. Develop Yourself, Not Your Role

When technology-related tasks are automated, human workers will focus on long-term strategy and more challenging activities.

For example, accountants nowadays utilize data analytics tools to assist them rather than spending time on manual calculations. Because of this, they can concentrate their efforts on other value-adding tasks like problem-solving and innovating new ideas that bring business benefits.

Being proactive will help prevent your job from being taken over by machines.

Read about the latest trends and developments in AI to be more effective at work. Then, look for ways you can help with these new technologies without changing your role or becoming a robot yourself ultimately!

The most valuable asset in the organization of tomorrow will be those who are able-minded enough to teach the machines how to do their jobs. In other words – stay one step ahead of automation by learning as much as possible about artificial intelligence before it takes over your position.

9. Find Creative Ways To Incorporate AI Into Your Work

Since AI will be utilized in all future workplaces, you will need to get your hands more involved with AI technologies.

Use them daily for better results and quality of work. To get the most out of these new tools, look for ways to employ them innovatively for long-term benefits, not just temporary gains.

AI will do what it is programmed to do, but humans will make sure that they apply their creativity and imagination towards more efficient, flexible, and potentially revolutionary technology uses.

10. Develop Deep Emotional Intelligence

Deep emotional intelligence will allow you to understand human emotions and how they will be affected by the rise of intelligent machines.

To succeed in this new environment where there will be less work for humans and more work for machines, those with deep emotional intelligence will have a better chance of being highly successful career-wise. It will also allow you to get along better with coworkers and employers.

11. Be Flexible And Adaptable

To stay ahead, those who will adapt quickly will have an advantage over others.

A few months will make a big difference in how people will work and what they will do daily. Thus, it will be vital for you to keep your career versatility intact by learning new skills and adjusting your work method to what is most beneficial for the company or organization you are working with.

The employees that embrace change will be more likely to remain employed even though many traditional jobs will dramatically change or become obsolete due to automation and artificial intelligence. The workers will need to develop creative ways of utilizing AI technologies while remaining open-minded about other changes coming their way to be successful in the future.

Stay ahead of automation by learning as much as possible about artificial intelligence before it takes over your position.

12. Focus On Human-To-Human Interaction

For people whose job will be to deal with other humans, the best course will be to hone their interpersonal abilities.

Develop the traits that will remain scarce in machines, such as compassion and kindness. Humans will always need human connection so use your interpersonal skills to develop valuable relationships. This is a particularly important trait for customer-facing professions.

13. Don’t Fight AI, Befriend AI

You will have to be ready for the eventuality that machines will take over many of your tasks, so try not to fight it.

Instead, learn how AI will benefit you and your work.

Work will become more efficient as humans will have less mundane jobs once robots are integrated into companies. Use the time saved by automation to develop creative projects or pursue new opportunities, rather than idly waiting around for a computer to do what you used to do.

Since future employers will look favorably upon those who embrace technology and innovation instead of shying away from it, make sure you search for ways AI will help your career and use these technologies in innovative ways for long-term benefits instead of temporary gains.

Also read: 16 Best Project Management Tools.

Will AI Replace Humans? Final Thoughts

As you can see, there will be difficult times ahead for people who will lose their jobs to new forms of technology. However, it will also create many new opportunities for those flexible enough to adjust and remain enthusiastic about their work despite the rise of intelligent machines all around us. Innovate new ideas to help your organization survive automation while keeping yourself employed!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Will everyone lose their job when AI comes in and replaces them?

No, not everyone will lose their job. However, many traditional jobs that involve repetitive tasks will be replaced by machines.

Is there anything I can do to prevent being replaced by AI?

It will be vital for you to learn new skills and adjust your work method before it is too late.

What will happen to people who cannot adapt to the change in their field because AI will replace them? Will they lose their jobs?

Yes, many will quit their job if they cannot adapt quickly enough. This means that those who adapt quickly will have an advantage over others.

How will automation affect our economy?

Automation will make production more efficient, making goods cheaper for customers while saving companies money by not hiring employees for repetitive tasks. This will create demand for other skilled workers, so this might cause an increase in specific industries. However, some will lose their jobs and will not find new opportunities, so this will create unemployment.

Are there any fields that will be immune to AI?

There will always be jobs in the service industry, such as hospitality and caregiving. However, it will become more difficult for people who work in manual labor or repetitive tasks to find employment.

1 Comment

  1. Steve

    If you do get fired, it may be a good idea to think of ways to earn some income. One way could be renting out an extra room in your house via Airbnb. You can de-clutter your home and create space for a boarder by sending your unwanted or unused items to a secure storage facility such as


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