AutoML: The Future of Machine Learning

by | Mar 4, 2022 | Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Machine Learning | 0 comments

Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) is a new method for generating machine learning solutions for data scientists without requiring them to perform an infinite number of analyses on the data preparation, model selection, model hyperparameters, and model compression parameters.

Below, we will explore AutoML in more detail, including its benefits over the traditional machine learning process.

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What is AutoML?

AutoML is short for automated machine learning and refers to automating the entire machine learning process from data pre-processing to model selection. AutoML automates the activities of applying machine learning to real-world scenarios. AutoML can cover every step from acquiring a raw dataset to deploying a trained model. AutoML was designed as an AI-based answer to the increasing difficulty of implementing machine learning.

AutoML has the potential to make machine learning models and techniques accessible to non-experts without requiring them to become experts in machine learning. Moreover, automating the end-to-end application of machine learning procedures also delivers benefits, including more straightforward answers, faster development of those solutions, and models that frequently outperform hand-crafted ones.

The Difference with the Standard Approach

Traditionally, data scientists have manually performed all machine learning processes. This can be a time-consuming and error-prone process, as it requires expertise in data pre-processing, modeling, and hyperparameter optimization. AutoML automates these steps, allowing data scientists to focus on more important tasks.

What can be Automated in the Machine Learning Process?

With AutoML, you can automate all steps in the machine learning process. This includes:

  • Data preparation and ingestion: AutoML can automatically handle the task of data preparation and ingestion. This includes cleaning the data, imputing missing values, and scaling numerical features. It also includes column type detection, column intent detection, and column role detection.
  • Feature engineering: AutoML can automatically perform feature engineering tasks such as creating new features from existing ones, selecting features using feature selection algorithms, and dimensionality reduction.
  • Model selection: AutoML can automatically select the best machine learning model for a given dataset. AutoML also automates the task of model selection hyperparameter tuning.
  • Ensembling: AutoML can automatically ensemble multiple models into a single prediction.
  • Hyperparameter optimization: AutoML can automatically optimize the hyperparameters of a machine learning algorithm to improve performance.
  • Pipeline selection: AutoML can automatically select the best pipeline for a given dataset.
  • Selection of evaluation metrics and validation procedures: AutoML can automatically select evaluation metrics and validation procedures.
  • Problem checking: AutoML can automatically check for problems in the data, such as class imbalance or missing values.
  • Analysis of obtained results: AutoML can automatically analyze the results of a machine learning model. This includes determining how well a model performs on held-out data, understanding why a model performed poorly on some test data, and detecting overfitting.
  • Creating user interfaces and visualizations: AutoML can automatically create user interfaces and visualizations to help with debugging and monitoring the results of a machine learning model.

Factors Driving Uptake of AutoML

Several factors are driving the uptake of AutoML. These include:

  • Bridge the Skill Gap: AutoML can help bridge the skill gap by making machine learning accessible to non-experts. AutoML can automate the entire process of applying machine learning to real-world scenarios. This means that businesses can get started with machine learning without hiring data scientists or training existing employees.
  • Cost-Savings: Building ML models from the ground up is a costly undertaking. AutoML can save businesses money by automating applying machine learning and helping businesses avoid the cost of hiring data scientists.
  • Better Models: AutoML can create better machine learning models than those created by hand. This is because AutoML can optimize the entire process of applying machine learning, including feature engineering, model selection, and hyperparameter tuning.
  • Reduce Time-to-Market: AutoML can reduce the time-to-market for new machine learning models. This is because AutoML can automate the entire process of applying machine learning, from data preparation to model deployment.

AutoML Strategies

Automated Machine Learning may be appealing because it appears to be a technological solution businesses can utilize to replace costly data scientists, but employing it necessitates intelligent tactics. Data scientists play critical roles in developing experiments, interpreting findings into company results, and maintaining the complete lifecycle of their machine learning models. So how do cross-functional teams use AutoML to optimize their time use and reduce the time required to realize value from their models?

The ideal workflow for incorporating AutoML APIs is to parallelize tasks and reduce laborious manual activities. For example, a data scientist could simultaneously automate this job on many types of models rather than optimizing hyperparameters and then compare the results.

Furthermore, AutoML capabilities allow team members of various skill levels to contribute to the data science pipeline. For example, a data analyst who isn’t familiar with Python may use an AutoML tool to train a predictive model using the data available via query. AuotML allows data scientists to preprocess their data, build a machine learning pipeline, and train a model that they may then use to validate their own ideas without the need of a full data science team.

Will it Replace Data Scientists?

AutoML will not replace data scientists entirely, but it will automate many of the processes data scientists perform manually. This will allow data scientists to focus on more important tasks such as problem formulation, model selection, and interpretation of results. AutoML can also make machine learning more accessible to a wider audience, including non-technical users.

Also read: The Best AI Writing Tools.

AutoML is the Future of Machine Learning

AutoML is a powerful tool that can automate many of the tasks involved in applying machine learning. AutoML has already shown its ability to create better models than those created by hand, and it is likely to become even more popular in the future. Businesses should consider using AutoML to reduce the time-to-market for new machine learning models and bridge the skill gap between data scientists and non-experts.


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